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Mmm~ eyepatch Greg


Loving the VN so far but I won't lie, if the developers are trying to make me feel anything but annoyance and anger for the Baron then... they have their work cut out for them.  But I'm still excited to see where the story goes, and I do believe that anyone who is creative enough to dream up this VN may have a chance.


Was the comment made before or after reading the route update? :)

Sorry but I'm not entirely sure what you mean 


"I would highly recommend you play it even if you aren't particularly fond of the Baron."
Me: I dislike him but I will cope for the story and content and hopefully his character evolve into something better in the future


rotshild be like: "play it even if you aren't fond of the baron"

me: jokes on you, i'm into grumpy boys


Then I hope you enjoyed the build and are looking forward to more <3


Just finished. As weird as it may be for some I simp Baron already


''I would highly recommend you play it even if you aren't particularly fond of the Baron''

Not me being attracted to every single character in this VN


Wonderful taste


Um crazy question...Is there NSFW in your VN?^^ I know stupid question.....


Not at the moment. We're focusing on story content right now.
There may be nsfw content in the future.

(1 edit) (+1)

In the baron route , when Nick is talking with jess and lucas ,his portrait moves to the center and stays there for a time


Thanks for reporting. The issue has already been noted and fixed.
Please make sure to report problems with patron content either directly on Patreon, or on our discord server. :)

Is their an android version for the patreon build 




I hope the Super-Nova team are doing okay. 🙂🙂


The next build will be released publicly in a month :-)


I feel that Super fang would be a good masseuse.

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Hi, I'm having trouble downloading the game. Every time I download after a while when it's about 40-50MB the download just stops and says "prohibited"

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Hello! Same problem, but I found the solution. Just open "anonymous new tab" in the browser, then go to download page.

I think it depends on the country you from.

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When is the baron update



I love playing the VN and love that it's getting frequent updates, I know the Baron is well...not kind to say the least, but I hope to see more content with him.


played all 3 routes available, but the baron is such an ass wipe that i cant even stand his presence. just did it to see where it would lead. the fox is my favorite route so far.


Thanks for sharing, honestly it was pretty awesome.  It was serious enough to be considered adult, and yet fun enough to remind me that sometimes being an adult sux!

What day of what route will come?


I must say... This one is by far one of the visual novels that really rooked me most. i'm a bit surprised with the quality of writing and storytelling. although you ond go way to far from common cliches, wich is not a problem let me be very clear, you present them well and without boring the reader

One thing that I must ask of you, if you can, is to be careful to create a good amount of tension on your story. thats something that I see many creators struggle with. Either they don't create enough tension, that make the story good and compeling, But not boring. or they do that in some forcefull way that annoys more than  engage the reader.

Nevertheless, I have high expectations with this VN. Kudos for you.


so it seems the weapon with the bracelet change according to the route taken, a sword for Mnesis and a large hammer for Superfang. I wonder what Baron route has in store for us in that regard...a long distance weapon such as a bow perhaps ? can't wait to see the baron open-up a bit too.

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a glock? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, maybe. who knows? altought firearms may not fit the armor aesthetic, so maybe something bigger in size, hence why i personally think of a bow. altough if this is a firearm, maybe something like a sniper riffle? it still possible its a close-range weapon so a shield peraphs. i'm curious to know what others think.

Deleted post

Maybe a dagger? Options are a bit limited

*pulls out a freaking train and drops it on the villain*


all jokes aside, an actual vehicule or very large apparatus would be interesting, altough the flying powers might make the thing a bit useless. Also, i do wonder what was the looks of the armour and the previous weapons of the host before Michael. it would be funny if the bracelet was like the source of all legends about magical weapon, like excalibur or mjolnir, altough we are borderline on the fanfiction here.

if we are being serious, based on what i have gathered in the story so far,
it is likely that it would be a mace.

baron supposedly knew the previews templar very well.
it's a stretch but... perhaps well enough to be the previews templar's mentor?

don't answer that as a question btw XD i'd rather find out in time but that is my hypothesis.

*Whoosh from twitter from browser*


Well...i just wait for the new update...but it was cool and made me wait now


Unbound’s hair and mask weird me out a bit.

Like, why is her hair a different color than her fur? How in the world does long har like that work with her ears in the way? How does it come out that mask? Like, it kinda looks like a wrestler mask, but like, does it have a hole on top for the hair? Is it the same as the one for the ears? Is that a wig on top of the mask? Like, her hair without it looks different, a normal black instead of black with those lighter brown streaks, but wouldn’t having long hair under a mask with a wig on top be pretty uncomfortable? How would the mask stay taut if it doesn’t go over the hair, especially the upper half of the face? I’m aware it’s a weird thing to focus on, btw.

Also shouldn’t they hook Nick up with a therapist or something, or at least offer to?

That wasn’t exactly a not traumatic event he went through and you’d think if they were worried he took up the mantle for the wrong reasons making sure there’s nothing weird in his motivation considering it is literally him fullfilling the dying wish of someone he owes his life to. He was even told there’s a good chance he was given that responsibility at least in part to put him in danger instead of someone else, which I doubt helped on that front.


this is so awesome


I apologize in advance, because the text is going to be a little long and my writing in English is not the best.

I really liked VN, the theme of VN initially gives the impression that it is very generic, but... No, the relationship between the heroes brings a feeling of friendship that is very nice to read, the villains have not yet been very well developed, but reading the documents that the Baron put on the flash drive, I could see that the Super-Nova universe has a lot of history to be worked on, thinking about seeing Nick fight these villains makes me excited. There's an image that, in my opinion, was very strange, which is Vince driving the car, but on the other hand, there's the Templar scene and the Baron's superhero outfit, which are incredibly well designed (and it took me 1 hour to realize the eyes of the Baron's mask move) so I say that in general, the art is very very very good.

I loved the references of Nick's phrases, it brings him an air of reality, since cultural references (like him calling Mnesis Yoda) but I admit that the reference that made me laugh the most was the news that it has an NMF reference.

In short, I appreciate the opportunity to read this stupidly well done visual novel, you can feel the affection used in the project and I wish you to achieve the success that this VN deserves!


How tall are the main characters? Is Nick shorter than the rest? 🤔🤔🤔


We might post an official height chart soon. For now, I'll say that Nick isn't the shortest, no. That would be Mnesis. 


Mnesis might just be my favorite. 😃😃😃


Possible Spoiler:

I can't figure out Frank, I get the feeling he has some sort of trauma. I hope he can work through his issues. Also, is it me or did Nick get a whole lot more confident? Its good to see him adjusting positively to his new situation. I also wanted to mention I like the new edits to the game, it somehow looks fresher than it did before. 😃😃😃


Yeah... I'm sure he's a perfectly no traumatized boi.


Personal theory here but I'm guessing Frank didn't get a choice  about having powers or being a super hero, leading him to resent the job but still do it and getting frustrated when you don't seem to take it seriously or realize the dangers of the job.


I feel inclined to think your theory is correct.


Is Build 0.4 still going public today?


Today. Very soon.

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is this NSFW?


Maybe in the future builds. But for now, there are no explicit scenes


Hey, I think this is just me, but I think that Dr. Scion has a thing for "tentacles/vines" 😏😏😏😂😂😂


Have Nick use the gym while wearing the regen armour and you'll have a bara racoon in no time


He doesn't even need to wear the armor, the bracelet is enough!

It'll actually be suggested to him by a certain someone haha. Clever that you came up with it too, nice




Are you a gay?


No comment

(3 edits) (+1)

*Pssst* Rotshild I was wondering if you were ok with commenting about another VN on here?? Its one you're familiar with. 🤔🤔🤔


Might not be the best place here, but I wouldn't mind answering any questions on twitter or discord


This is why I ask first. 🙂🙂


Just finished playing it and like it look foward to playing the next update


I just realized that Mnesis' phone is pink!! That is an adorable detail to add. 😍😍😍


Hey2x not bad very nice breath taking novel.. hhhha NEW READER HERE hmm  :)


if baron punched me i would thank him


Regarding matute content, are we talking about blood and stuff or also lewdness? :3


There will be be sex, if it fits the story. There are plans for it, but don't take that as a promise: I'll include those scenes only if they still fit the narrative.

I figured that Baron was a panda, I don't know why though. 😅😅


You know the art-style is SO good when Daniel is staring at your very soul. I had a hard time reading this scene.😨



Nick sprite appear in middle of text, is it only me ? Android build :3


Unfortunate side effect of starting from a save. Scroll back a bit until the beginning of the scene and it should be fixed.
If not, try skipping from the beginning. Sorry for the inconvenience!


the download button is still missing for me


Should be fixed now!


yup thank you so much!

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